Describe and publish an “LT&C-Example” you know of, or are involved in. Our current examples are excellent cases, where tourism supports protected nature areas.
Imagine a world where every trip you take contributes to the protection of the natural area you visit.
We work towards the vision of a representative network of protected areas that are maintained by its visitors (YOU).
Describe and publish an “LT&C-Example” you know of, or are involved in. Our current examples are excellent cases, where tourism supports protected nature areas.
Be part of our unique global member network of around 300 tourism- and conservation ambassadors.
Participate in Study-Tours to our LT&C-Examples. As LT&C member you benefit from special offers when contributing to nature protection in this way!
Your travel choice makes a difference: travel, but learn, make it green, be aware, offset your emissions, and get engaged. (Read more)
To study the LT&C Example “Svalbard”, our founding member and Partner, Oceanwide Expeditions, offers our members a discount on the East Spitsbergen and Bear Island tour in July, 2024.
In April 2023, experts from nine countries met on Hallig Langeneß in the Wadden Sea for the “East Atlantic Flyway Week”, organised by WWF, Schutzstation
As we look back on 2023, we continue to be inspired by the dedicated work you are leading in natural areas around the world, advancing sustainable tourism practices in many different ways.
After more than a year since we announced LT&C is merging with the German-based Ö.T.E. (Ecological Tourism in Europe E.T.E), we are excited to inform you that the necessary legal steps have been completed.
By Peter Prokosch In April this year, experts from nine countries met on Hallig Langeneß in the Wadden Sea for the “East Atlantic Flyway Week”,
The Xieti Nature Reserve is a small private nature reserve (3.2 Ha) adjacent to Lake Tota in Colombia that is committed to conservation and sustainable
© Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) 2019
Our member South Pole, a world-leading provider for solutions to reduce carbon emissions, offer us three understandable compensation projects which provide benefits for both climate and nature protection. They all fall into the context of our LT&C-mission. Compensating your flight emissions is the minimum you can do for both climate and biodiversity: fill in the form below to offset your flight’s carbon emissions in a simple process!