Who We Are

Linking Tourism & Conservation - Our name is our slogan and purpose

LT&C is a nature conservation NGO supporting the expected UN-Goal of creating a global protected area network by 2030, which covers representatively 30% of the different marine and terrestrial ecosystems and habitats on earth (the 30×30 Goal). LT&C works for making the tourism industry a leading actor implementing the 30×30 Goal by

Identifying and profiling best cases (LT&C-Examples), where tourism is supporting financially, politically or by ways of education the establishment and development of protected areas;

Mainstreaming LT&C-Examples by promoting and communicating them in (nature interested) traveler circles and by offering educative study tours to LT&C Example destinations (in cooperation tour operators, which are members of LT&C, and who are involved or are providers of such examples);

Developing incentives that LT&C Examples are getting replicated, their providers support each other, and that the creation of such examples can become an accelerating movement;

Partnering with conservation as well as tourism-related local, national and international (governmental and non-governmental) organisations, institutions and companies supporting the 30×30 Goal;

Finding ways that LT&C-Examples become an official status within the UN-Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for reaching the 30×30 Goal;

Creating a global base of members from both tourism and conservation of all levels of society becoming actively involved in our mission.


Facilitating an educational global network of tourism and conservation ambassadors. They collaborate to increase tourism best practices that support the establishment, development and management of protected natural areas.


A world where the tourism industry is a main patron of a global network of well-managed protected areas representing and sustaining the world’s diversity of habitats and ecosystems.

LT&C provides examples from all over the world, where tourism supports national parks or other types of protected areas.

LT&C has developed into a global network of members (penguins) with competence and interests in both tourism and conservation. We create synergy and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise among our members.

Are you engaged in, or know of an LT&C-Example, do you wish to learn from others to share best practices, do you dream of visiting these special destinations or simply wish to support our mission?

Then join our global penguin network!

LT&C and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

With its mission, LT&C is a support organisation for the so-called Aichi target 11 of the UN-Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). We are actively engaged in raising the awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one of the most important decisions and commitment of the entire world society, by focusing and contributing to specific targets of the SDGs 14 (Life below Water) and 15 (Live on Land). Thereby LT&C works in close contact and partnership with UN-Environment and the Sustainable Tourism Programme of UNWTO.

LT&C has devoted itself to support the SDG’s targets 14.4 and 15.1 for a complete network of protected areas on land and below water by 2020:

14.5: By 2020, conserve at least 10 percent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on best available scientific information.

15.1: By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements.

Read the LT&C 2021 Annual Report and our latest brochure

Make a donation

We are grateful that you support the work and mission of LT&C! We accept donations through Credit Card, PayPal or international bank transfer:

Alternative 1: Donate through Credit Card:

Alternative 2: Donate through PayPal (amount in Euro):

Please click the Donate button and then choose your PayPal account

Alternative 3: Donate through international bank transfer

Bank details:
Cultura Sparebank
Pb. 6800, St. Olavs plass
N-0130 Oslo

Name: Linking Tourism & Conservation,
Account no.: 1254 05 95168
IBAN: NO8712540595168

Please mark payments with your name and/or email address

Sign up now

Sign up for an LT&C membership by filling in the details below.

Add your LT&C-Example

Would you like your LT&C-Example/Initiative to be listed on our website? Please fill in the form below.

  • Would you like your LT&C example/initiative to be listed on our website? Please fill in the form below.
  • Please tell us about your LT&C example/initiative and how it fits with Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C)
  • Please elaborate on the following topics:
    a) Political/management support
    b) Financial support
    c) Educational support
  • Website with more information on the LT&C example/initiative
  • Please leave your contact details so that we can get in touch with you. This information will not be displayed on our website unless you ask us to.
  • By submitting this form you accept our current LT&C Privacy policy and that we may store and manage your contact information and that we may use the submitted material on our website.
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