April 25 marks an important day to commemorate a magnificent and resilient marine bird – World’s Penguin Day. Penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. This area in the world has the most extreme weather conditions – the coldest, driest, and windiest, according to the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC). Ice continues to recede and diminish, while overfishing reduces their diet exponentially. Pollution and environmental degradation take away the purity and cleanliness of their habitat. Here is the chance to engage and help securing the future of the Antarctic penguins and their entire environment:
We call on our penguin members, and everyone, to support the creation of marine sanctuaries and sign the petition by the Antarctic Ocean Alliance, or Greenpeace, to protect the penguins, and the habitat of 10,000 other diverse species. These petitions also call on to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), whose doors are closed to the public during their important decision-making meetings, to remind them that the public should be heard and allow media access to these meetings for the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the animal species living in it.

We encourage members (penguins!) of LT&C and others wanting to be active in Linking Tourism & Conservation to use this opportunity to support the establishment of Antarctic marine protected areas. If you want to let LT&C know, whether you signed the petition and your activity should count as LT&C activity, please use the form CONTACT US at the bottom.
The Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) is a project by the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASCO), the only NGO working full-time to preserve the Antarctic continent and the surrounding Southern Ocean.

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