LT&C-Webinar on „How to design post-COVID tourism and conservation strategies for LT&C Champions“ focuses this time on Central America

Central and Latin American operators have been ecotourism leaders for many decades, for reasons including the region’s unique diversity of life, culture, and land- and seascapes (also portrayed in media), as well as its proximity to the North American and EU outbound markets. Certification systems for sustainable tourism, support to community-based operations, competent guiding, networks, and associations of nature-based operators, and ingenious combinations of research and tourism have made many destinations in this region global references, also for the sector’s capacity to contribute to financing protected areas and private reserves. The region has witnessed significant investment and expertise in this sector, from governments to agencies and development organizations. As UN member countries prepare to negotiate a ten-year strategic framework for biodiversity in the face of unprecedented threats to this development asset, as it becomes clear that the ambitious goals of this global framework can only be met by mainstreaming nature into all economic sectors, and as the fundamental wish to travel and learn reaffirms itself as a market force, LT&C teams up with its Central and Mesoamerican partners to shed some light on the risks and opportunities for this sector and region, also as input to other destinations.

So how are these champions faring in the post-COVID 19 circumstances, with associated limitations and restrictions? What works, and what does not? Which strategies have allowed them to adjust and evolve, and which needs and expectations do LT&C champions in the region have from public and private organizations which can help? How does the region compare with previous ones examined by LT&C, such as Africa or Europe? These questions will be examined and addressed by a team of operators, policymakers, and experts, on June 3, 2021, at 5 pm CEST, in the next LT&C webinar. Have a look at the previous webinars of this series on Africa and the Arctic. And have a look, who is speaking from Central American countries this time and how to join!

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